Rákóci kocsmában

Budapest (Budapest), 1938.03.01.

Informant: Sümegi Jánosné Német Anna (62)

Place of origin: Törökkoppány (Somogy)

Collector: Balla Péter, Bartók Béla, Lajtha László

Sound recording: Gr_021

Inventory number: BR_00554 (combined record card), BR_00555 (combined record card), BR_00556 (combined record card), BR_00557 (combined record card), BR_00558 (combined record card), BR_00559 (combined record card)

BR number: A 198t(1)

Category within the Bartók System: A I 6

Number of melodic variants: 20

Cadence: 4 (b3) 1 1